
He stole my thunder...among other things

I did it. I ran three miles in the cold.

But celebration of my accomplishment was cut short when I returned to my car parked along Riverside.

Apparently, while I was running, someone broke into my Ford Escape.

He shattered my passenger-side window, stole my gym bag (including yesterday's work clothes and one boot — he dropped the other one), my iPod and my coat, and got away without anyone catching his license plate number.

I know the thief was a "he" because one of my fellow runners — Paul, my hero! — saw the whole thing happen.

Paul is a faster runner than I, so he returned to the parking lot minutes before I did. As he was climbing into his car to go home, he heard the sound of glass breaking.

He said he thought the white SUV parking next to my car just got too close and broke the side-view mirror, but he quickly realized this was no accident.

He saw the crook reach into my car, so he shouted at him. The thief, realizing he was caught, jumped into his car and took off.

Paul, being the lightning-fast runner he is, chased after the bandit.

He couldn't catch him, but he did call the police. He then waited with me until the police arrived and told the officer all the information he had about the crime.

I filed a report, but I'm not optimistic. The officer said my case was her FOURTH one in the same parking lot in the past two days.

Needless to say, I didn't make it to the nutrition meeting after the run.

But I did learn some tips from the officer to keep my car safe. She said I should hide my valuables, park under a streetlight and leave my car facing the street, not the river.

Anyone know any good glass repairmen?

In the meantime, I'm focusing on the bright side. I ran three miles. And thanks to Paul, the thief didn't get to my purse, wallet or iPhone.

It's good to have fast friends.


  1. My bike was also stolen in the past six months. It seems fitness leads to crime.

  2. That's terrible!! What is wrong with people...

    Congratulations on the run.

    P.S. Thank you, Paul.

  3. As a soon to be baby steps runner this really has me quite buggered. I am trying to think of anything that will help in preventing this. Thanks for posting this blog, it helps me to feel a little more prepared for my couch to 5k meeting tonight.
